
A small, stand-alone script to automatically adjust textarea height.


Released under the MIT License, source on Github (changelog)  


Install via NPM
npm install autosize

Browser compatibility

Chrome Firefox IE Safari iOS Safari Android Opera Mini
yes yes 9 yes yes 4 ?


The autosize function accepts a single textarea element, or an array or array-like object (such as a NodeList or jQuery collection) of textarea elements.

// from a NodeList

// from a single Node

// from a jQuery collection


Name Description

Triggers the height adjustment for an assigned textarea element. Autosize will automatically adjust the textarea height on keyboard and window resize events. There is no efficient way for Autosize to monitor for when another script has changed the textarea value or for changes in layout that impact the textarea element.

// Init
var ta = document.querySelector('textarea'); = 'none';

// Change layout = 'block';

// Change value
ta.value = "Some new value";

Removes Autosize and reverts any changes it made to the textarea element.


Life-cycle Events

Event Description

This event is fired every time autosize adjusts the textarea height.

var ta = document.querySelector('textarea');

ta.addEventListener('autosize:resized', function(){
  console.log('textarea height updated');

If you are using jQuery, you can use the on/off methods to listen to this event:

}).on('autosize:resized', function(){
  console.log('textarea height updated');

Dispatch this event on a textarea element as an alternative to using the autosize.update method. Note that Firefox does not dispatch events on disabled elements.

var ta = document.querySelector('textarea');


ta.value = "Some new value";

// Dispatch a 'autosize:update' event to trigger a resize:
var evt = document.createEvent('Event');
evt.initEvent('autosize:update', true, false);

Dispatch this event on a textarea element as an alternative to using the autosize.destroy method. Note that Firefox does not dispatch events on disabled elements.

var ta = document.querySelector('textarea');

// assign autosize to ta

// remove autosize from ta
var evt = document.createEvent('Event');
evt.initEvent('autosize:destroy', true, false);

Trouble shooting / FAQ

Setting a min-height or max-height

Use CSS to specify a min-height and max-height for the textarea element. Once the height exceeds the max-height, Autosize will re-enable the vertical scrollbar.

The rows attribute can also be used to specify a minimum height. The rows attribute has a default value of 2, so to make the textarea smaller than that you'll need to set the value to 1. Example: <textarea rows='1'></textarea>

Fixing slow or sluggish performance

In Webkit, the default focus style for input and textarea elements includes outline-style: auto, which has a blurred drop-shadow like appearance. Completely independent of Autosize, Safari is terrible at animating anything with this blur on it. My recommendation would be to use a non-blurred outline-style, and to remove any blurred box-shadow or other taxing CSS effect. For example:

input:focus, textarea:focus {
  outline-style: solid;
  outline-width: 2px;

Initial height is incorrect

Autosize needs to be able to calculate the width of the textarea element when it is assigned. JavaScript cannot accurately calculate the width of an element that has been detached from the DOM or had its display set to none. If you want to assign Autosize to a hidden textarea element that you plan to reveal later, be sure to either specify the pixel width of the element in your CSS, or use the autosize.update method after you reveal the textarea element.

Possible ways to resolve:

  • Specify an exact width for the textarea element in your stylesheet.

  • Delay assigning Autosize until the textarea has been revealed. Alternatively, wait until the user focuses the textarea element:

    var ta = document.querySelector('textarea');
    ta.addEventListener('focus', function(){
  • Use the autosize.update method (or trigger the autosize:update event) after the element has been revealed.

    var ta = document.querySelector('textarea'); = 'none';
    autosize(ta); = '';
    // Call the update method to recalculate the size:


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